Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Day 5

We continue to boat on glass!

It's time for another lock and dam..

We are continuing to gain experience locking a large and heavy yacht...

This lock is newer than those further south.

This is a good view of how far UP, we will lock in this lock.

At the top level

More George Bush Barbed Wire :(

Upstream view..

Why am I showing a shot of an airport? Well for the last two days we have been hearing airplanes flying but it always seemed they were behind the trees. Sounded like crop dusters diving then pulling up and circling for another pass. Finally we got a good view of one of the planes and it was a military plane. Google Earth revealed the Columbus Air force Base were the planes were training doing touch and go's. 

Here it's getting hot and humid so Viv decides to catch air on the shade side of the boat.

One of the things they say about a boat is that everything is broke.....just not yet!. Here I'm installing a new Hailer for the front deck.


This is what is called real, "Vine Art"!!

Bridge to nowhere.....

Looks like something blew up inside!

Time to step up again.

Similar design to the last lock, Aberdeen Lock and Dam.

We are in and ready to lock up!

Tied and ready to go!

Is that what I think it is?

Not sure yet....

Yep, that's what I thought...

Fortunately this guy decided to move on.

Once up to the top of the lock, we get a great view of the working part of the dam. Still no hydro-electric being used.

At the top and ready for the doors to open.

This is a good view of the gates of the dam that regulate the level of the upstream pool of water. 

View south

Man made "Beach" on the upstream side!

Wood pulp is a major finished product here.

Dumping soybeans from semi-trucks directly into barges...

The small tow is moving the barge forward to ready it for the next truck to dump it's load into the barge.


Here is a different product.

This is what we dont like seeing!!!

Wonder how bad it would be without an EPA! 

We are now in the man-made portion of the Tenn-Tom.This is where watershed runnoff enters the river and this erosion control device is  designed to slow down the water as it comes streaming into the man-made canal.

Time to rise up again!

Dam to the left this time!

Straight channel North!

and South!

Here we are testing using two ropes to tie off. Our wind conditions have been calm but we realize that wont always be the case so lets start using two 3/4 inch line so we are ready and practiced, when the conditions are a challenge.

We like this arrangement!

Moving up, the view forward...

The view behind..

More military planes..

At the top looking back...

Still tied up but ready to push out..

Here we go..

More fence and Barbed Wire..................God forbid Americans be allowed to get close :(

Upstream view is always unique.

Small marina to the right.

More aircraft.

Park area!

Traditional lake houses start to appear...

and some not so traditional.

Its hot lets swim...

All the essentials a table and a Outhouse....

Is it an Eagle or an Ospray?

Which ever it is it is very cool!

More large nest..

Creek entrance..

Boat launch..

Heavy lift Crain to load or unload barges...

MM 390.2

Locking again...

Dam discharging water..

Still moving north....

Looking back at the working end of the dam..

Fishing must be good!

Nice marina.

Boat house..

Clouds in the water!





Cypress galore!

Locking up again!

Barbed wire.......

Great pictures all around!

This was a great place to anchor for the night, just plain beautiful!

Another great day.

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