Thursday, September 26, 2013

St Johns Trip Day 5

We started day 5 with a very calm morning with the water like mirror glass and a big blue sky.

Now that is smooth...look at the clouds in the water!

As I looked over the bow, at cruise speed you can see the boat just glides through the water vs plowing through like so many big boats you see.

And as you can see no huge wake to worry about, more wake from the dingy than the boat, which is why Great Harbour boats are so fuel efficient!

The windless on the boat and the ground tackle (anchoring parts) provide much comfort when at
anchor (on the hook)...

This part of the river start widening as we move down stream. Inlets are now the prime location for docks vs the canals you see up stream

Still warnings about Manatees..

Here is a Quick Silver Ultra Light Airplane, like the one I use to fly, but this one is on pontoons so it is confined to landings and takeoffs from the water..

As we get downstream more evidence that we are back in a more populated area..

And more industry..

Down on your luck.....

Another beautiful resort

Now the sparkles are back (sunshine)...

But some businesses will likely never be back....

As we approached the dock at Corky Bells for docking practice and lunch we met these two guys 
here for shrimping...

Getting ready to throw the net...

And wow...that takes skill...especially with a net that big. Most people are throwing nets half
 that size!

Now empty the catch...

And the shrimps are ready to go into the cooler!

Here we are secure to the dock...not to hard with little wind and current...

And Viv demonstrates the proper way to tie a cleat hitch!

We are not alone......

But still have not seen a Manatee....

Great area.....

Great dock...

Great deck!

Had no trouble eating the oysters....

We had a great lunch and this place is one we would come back to again!

People enjoying the day and refreshments...

Viv likes the big porch on this one...

I liked this house...

And its boats house.....

Water getting bigger..

Captain Viv piloting along....

The N47 has extra walking width on the starboard side making for easier docking..

Lots of storage....

Looks ready to go to sea..

Neat place..

Waves are getting bigger...

Here a long way to walk to the dock....


Waves are getting bigger from 2 to 4 feet with the wind running 20-25 mph...

No problem for the N47

But the dingy transom did not survive...I have to remove the engine and with the waves this was
a challenge...rope connected to the motor just in case I drop it in the river......

Success but we drifted over a crab pot float and picked up the rope on the props or rudder

So I dawn a scuba mask to go under and  take a  look....

Cannot see much...its like diving in a river of coffee.....

But the rope came free...never felt the crab pot so it likely had the rope cut and it dropped
away..made me commit to never eating a blue a protest to crab pots in the channel.

Big water with big markers..

We were very tired from a long day so after a challenging docking (20-mph wind blowing us into the dock) which went very well, we were back at out starting point Green Cove Springs.  We had dinner and called it a night...and again felt we have a day full good on memories! 

1 comment:

  1. Would be interesting to see the running gear layout on a N47 during dry docking - any pictures out of the water?
