Thursday, August 18, 2016

Ky Lake

Well it's day two and we left early this morning and again at 6 AM. Our "Behind the island spot" was ideal overnight with a few waves and little movement.

 From the Anchorage we moved down downstream passing through Smithland Lock and Dam. 

On the lower end of the dam they were dredging so we got a personal USCE (United States Corp Of Engineer) escort around the dredge bringing us a clear path back to the main channel.

The dredges hard work clearing the channel of silt so they can maintain a 9 foot navigation channel.

From there we continued moving downstream towards Paducah where we  had to make a decision. Our options were to go up to Cumberland River to Barkley Lock and Dam or go downstream (on the Ohio) to Paducah take a left and go back up to Tennessee to Kentucky lake Lock and Dam.

I looked at the AIS (automatic Information System) on the boat and it showed there were no towboats going up the Cumberland but there were quite a few going up the Tennessee. Given that, we opted to go up the Cumberland to the Barkley Look and Dam.

Coming in to Barklley lock and dam.

Here you lock up approximately 50 feet.

Here we are in the lock and they're preparing to close the doors and raise the water.

From the Dam we proceeded upstream and took a right at the "Cut" and moved through to Kentucky lake and left up the Tennessee River.

Lots of wildlife now likely coming from land between the lakes park.

Osprey or Eagle?

Yes she is wild too!

New bridge up and old one coming down.

This is the view from inside Ginger Bay looking out towards the Tennessee River at dusk.

And another day ends with a spectacular sensitive on peaceful waters.

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