Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Making Way Home

We Flew into Tampa International Airport on Friday and jumped in our Hertz rent a car ($38.00) and headed out for Fort Myers FL. We had no time to spare since we were to meet the fuel truck from Lee County Fuels. I had arranged with John for him to meet us at the Sweet water Landing dock so we could fill up with fuel. We still had about 500 gallons of diesel left but we wanted to have a full tank for the weight and the comfort of knowing we would not have to worry about fuel for quiet some time (QC holds 1380 gallons). Well on our way to the dock John called and was having a problem with one of his trucks and wanted to come at 7:00am on Saturday which was fine with us.

Sweetwater Landing Fort Myers FL.

Here is QC docked at the Sweetwater Landing where she has been since last Sunday. Sweetwater is on the Okeechobee Waterway.

John showed up right on time and started pumping. We don't know how much we will need since we have not yet filled the tanks to the top.

Well the job is done and the tanks are full (800 gallons @ $3.85 Inc tax). This way of filling is a plus, a lot more convenient than at the marinas and with the marinas at $4.00 to $4.50 a gallons less money too.

A couple of porpoises decided to join us for part of the way out to the Inter-coastal Waterway. They are just too cool to watch. When they surface they look you in the eye as to say hello!

Up close and personal.

Here we are starting to get to condo country...

The first of many many bridges to ask for an opening. This is a swing bridge.

The Inter-coastal heading toward Sarasota

Girls rowing team working out

This is an example of silent running..

But with a Coach barking orders...

Neat little shopping area..

Infinity pool....

Another Bascule Bridge.

Call and we will put you in the water

Another bridge 

Here is a view of the Mechanical to lift the bridge..

Hippo in the yard..you don't see that every day (right corner of the picture)!

Lots of great houses with pools right on the Inter-coastal Waterway

Some houses with a very unique design

QC throws very little wake.

Love the purple accent.

We continued on and anchored in Blackburn Cove at 9:30PM...we were all beat; especially after the stress of piloting on the Inter-coastal after dark, not something you want to do by choice but good experience for a time when you must.

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