Friday, December 6, 2013

Well it's Official

We are now the proud owner of the Motor Vessel John Henry (soon to be renamed and christened Quiet Company) a 2006 Great Harbour GH-47 Trawler.

The last few months have been filled with many ups and downs, excitement and anxiety as we a lot of time evaluating, contemplating, wondering should we buy such a large boat.

So many questions like:
Where will we keep it?
How will we get it home?
How much work will the upkeep be?
Does this boat layout best fit our needs?
Will we really enjoy it as much as we think?
Are we spending too much money (or not getting a good deal)?
How much money will we burn through owning it?
What will we be able to sell it for?
What else does the boat need to be fully operational?
What about insurance, taxes, maintenance and operating cost?
Will our family and friends join us and enjoy the boating lifestyle with us?
Will we be OK with being away from home for extended periods of time?
Will it be as much fun as we think it will?

So the decision point came and we decided to commit. Do we know all the answers...many but not all... but as with many things in life you can analysis, and calculate until your blue in the face, but at some point you have to decide and we decided to go for it!

Was it a good decision, "Time will Tell"....

After all....Its what life is...It's an Adventure!

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATS! - its going to be a fantastic GREAT LOOP platform for you and the Admiral to share with friends and family while seeing the USA.
