Monday, March 30, 2015

Projects and projects, more improvements...

Well we have lots of projects underway right now. Over the winter I have been making number of improvements. So far I have converted all the lights to LED to reduce the number of watts we burn to run our systems. Next I changed out the flat screen tv to Ultra High Definition LED Samsung Smart TVs. Next I have installed a wifi network complete with a Wifi booster. Im waiting for the next generation 4G LTE Wilson Cell Phone booster the Drive 4G. Cell phone boosters need an outdoor antenna so that means more electronics on the radar bridge. So, we have become experienced in fishing various wires inside the aluminim tubing frame. Last not but least we are adding another 4 foot high VHF antenna whiich will give us a second ICOM VHF radio (redundantany is good).

Wiring uncovered and pulled down to work with the wires.

Island Time Groove WiFi booster and antenna

You remove the under cover to expose the wireing.

You can see that all the radar bridge cables have to snake inside the radar bridge tubing. Wires include, radar, TV antenna, two VHF antennas, WiFi antenna, Cell Phone Booster antenna, Maratron weather station sensor, GPS antenna, Deck flood lights, and last but not least under cover LED lights.

Next project was to recharge the carbon in the black water vent filter.

Instead of simply buying a new one and throwing the old one away, I cut the old one in half...dumped out the old carbon and recharged it with $2 worth of carbon like is used in an aquarium filter system. I read an article on what to do and we will see if this recharge works (no smell outside means its working). I hope so because the filters are $40-50 each but the carbon to recharge them cost less the $6.

We have had trouble with the starboard chain. It is very rusted and need to be replaced. Since I purchased a new Rocna 40 Vulcan anchor it only made sense to replace the chain and Defender has their annual warehouse sale and so the chain was on sale saving more than 20%. The 300 foot 3/8 G4 galvanised chain weighs in around 450 pounds so we have to have a well thought out plan for the "change out" once the new chain is here.

New 6inch Bose speackers for the flybridge. Santa brought me 2 and I have ordered 2 and they will be here before the weekend.....Love Amazon Prime!

Two more antennas to go.

Old Deck light (plastic worn from the sun) will be replaced with LEDs

Here you can see the replacement LED Spreader lights I have installed along with the new anchor light.

And now a new Danforth anchor to replace the one we bent anchored across from the old Newburgh Lock and Dam.


Monday, March 16, 2015

Spring has sprung and the water is UP!

Finally it looks like spring has sprung! We are de-winterizing QC and so far no winter related problems (frozen and/or busted). I continue to be impressed with the quality of the materials and core workmanship on QC. 

Yes the water is that deep on the road. Im standing on the level close to of the top of Evansville's levee. Waterworks road is...yes underwater.

The marina is quiet with not much activity. Onece the water goes down the last of the burned up boats will be removed.

We would normally walk down this ramp at a good angle to reach our slip. With the water up thirty feet, the walk is easy, no down then back up.

The water is out of the marina with water in the parking lot.

This is shot with my iPhone 6+ from our house in Spottsville Ky, overlooking the Green River (brown water right now). The camera seems to not handle lots of sunlight.

View north and west toward Eville..